BCDC Thesis defence in the University of Oulu: Mauricio de Castro Tomé
Kirjoittaja BCDC Energia NewsBCDC Thesis defence in the University of Oulu: Mauricio de Castro Tomé
M.Sc. Mauricio de Castro Tomé from University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, CWC – Networks and Systems, will defend his thesis ”Advanced electricity metering based on event-driven approaches” on Thursday, April 29 at 12:00 (online).
Opponents: Professor Jamshid Aghaei, LUT University, Lappeenranta and Professor Zita Vale, Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Custos: Professor Ari Pouttu, University of Oulu
Time: Thursday, 29.04.2021 at 12:00
Online: https://oulu.zoom.us/j/64123699827?pwd=eHhwa0VJdnlYNlBodnZyYzdSYXlmdz09
Public description: https://www.oulu.fi/university/node/211026
Thesis can be found at: http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/isbn978-952-62-2904-1